ANT-LAB: global swarming

lecture performance

In this lecture performance, andcompany&Co. give an insight into their new project on social insects, swarm intelligence and the power of associations.

Ants follow in the footsteps of humans in Saul Bass‘ film PHASE IV. In pharma research, this phase of effectiveness testing marks the transition from an initially small circle of test subjects to larger groups. andcompany&Co. are not there yet, they’re still in the early phase of transforming into ANTCOMPANY. In their testing lab they’re bedazzled by science. They enthuse over swarms. Over actors, networks and algorithms. Over simple agents and distributed intelligence. Learning from ants!

In German and English.

A production by andcompany&Co. in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin and FFT Düsseldorf.
The production is funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.